Sunday, April 15, 2007

Sunday, April 15, 2007

This week when we gathered, Anthony C. taught from Titus 1:10-16. Paul warns Titus and the believers in Crete to look out for false teachers, similar to the warnings he gives to Timothy in his letters. Paul also warns of the influence of Cretan culture on the Cretan church. Believers today should be conscious of the influence of American culture on the church. Finally, as Paul speaks of the pure and the unpure, we are taught to be cautious of legalism. Anthony C. defined legalism as the "keeping of biblical regulations by our own strength in order to earn God's favor." Anthony reminded us that if we only have "teeth-gritting resolve" to not sin, we will fail. We must lean on the grace of God to fight sin.

Alan K will be teaching through Titus 2 for the next two Sundays.

Also, please remember that we will begin meeting at The Cotton Company beginning May 6th.


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