Monday, March 05, 2007

Sunday, March 4, 2007

This week when we gathered, Rodney M. taught from 2 Timothy 4:1-8. Paul exhorts Timothy to guard sound doctrine. If we zoom out from this text, we see that this fits within Paul's theme in the book of 2 Timothy to Persevere in the midst of Persecution. Zooming out again, we see Paul's call to godly living. And with a final zoom, we see Paul's emphasis on righteousness that comes through faith. Rodney encouraged the body to remain mindful of the two greatest commandments: To love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul, and To love your neighbor as yourself.

We will finish our study of the book of 2 Timothy next week. It was announced that Dr. and Mrs. Black will be joining us on the morning of March 25 to share about their work in Ethiopia. We also hope to break bread with them afterward at the Taylor household.

Finally, the church will now be supporting the Pregnancy Life Care Center in Raleigh.


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